Chocolate sweet potato frosting

Sweet potatoes…and chocolate…as frosting. What kind of first impressions does this suggested combo conjure up for you? It could go any which way, right? A bit like chocolate and avocado. While that’s more of a ubiquitously known and enjoyed power blend, there will always be those who will also see it as chocolate guac, and less than pleasing.

You know that sugary caramel that pools up sometimes when sweet potatoes are baked to beautiful, rich silkiness? I always thought that gooey sweetness should be somehow bottled up as a better-for-you sugar substitute, and it turns out, it is. When I first caught a glimpse of Sweet Potato Nectar alongside assorted honey at our local Sprouts, I felt a little gleeful bit of affirmation just for having imagined it. Naturally, it didn’t take long to leap from nodding at the product to thinking about turning the source into frosting. It’s an inevitable connection, right? ;)

Envisioning the possibilities, of course I did a quick Google search, and guess what? There are sweet potato frosting recipes floating out there aplenty! Of course there are! But I wanted to try my hand at home own concoction before reading any, and guess what again? It was easy. So easy, you don’t really need a recipe at all. It’s another grown-up version of play doh. Just play with it and trust that you’ll make something good. If this is something for you, you can’t really go wrong.

The quantities I’ve listed below are a great topping for these chickpea blondies I spread the yield over, but if you wanted to frost, say, a whole cake, I’d suggest doubling it. Trust me, you won’t regret any extra. This is so guiltless, it makes a very nice pudding. How often can we say that about frosting?

Our family enjoys this, but full disclosure, we can all see how it might not be for everyone. You get to decide. Not unlike relating with people, or trying something new, though, unless misgivings are deep-seated, gut-wrenching intuition (like that kind that alerts, danger, danger—those warnings should really always, always be heeded), it is very much worth a try. You will most definitely satisfy curiosity, which is a good feeling in itself, and you will probably be delightfully surprised. Or, if not surprised, simply delighted. Have a wonderful weekend, friends! xo

Sweet potato frosting
Yield: approximately 1 cup

1 baked large sweet potato
2 Tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder
2 ounces dark chocolate, melted
2 Tablespoons plant milk
1 Teaspoon vanilla

Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor until fluffy. Transfer to a container and let cool in the refrigerator before spreading. Enjoy!